I don't understand how things work sometimes. I try and try and try to live my life like I am supposed to. And I know that the testing of our faith is supposed to make us stronger. I guess, today, I just don't feel like being tested. :) I am so exhausted. As much as I may like my job, I do not like being gone from my family full-time. It has pretty much sucked the life out of me. Stephen is doing a great job at home, and my work is going well. But I don't think I will ever get used to this arrangement. And I know that Stephen wants to be the one providing as well. But right now, we are doing what we have to do and taking things one day at a time. I guess the only answer is to trust God to work things out in His time and not ours. My problem is that my trust in Him and my faith is weak. Not because of Him, but because of me. Not sure how to get back to where I used to be...guess I just wanted to get these thoughts down.