Monday, April 16, 2007


I don't know if I have shared this here before, but I have a passion for worship, specifically leading worship. I have always loved to sing. When Stephen and I first got married, we went to a church that not only allowed, but encouraged people to use their gifts, any kinds, for the glory of God. I was heavily involved in the music ministry there, and besides being a mom, that was the most fulfilling thing I have ever done.

Right now I am at a church that doesn't really have an outlet for music. We have a different song leader every week. There is really no consistency. And while I know they are working towards remedying (is this a word?) some of this, it is still frustrating for someone like me, who longs for meaningful, music-filled worship. Where people are encouraged to worship however they feel led to. Where we are filled with awe as we worship our creator and everything he has done for us.

I am not sure how to go about filling this need that I have. But I have been thinking about it this morning as I listed to a song called "You Were There" recorded by the ZOE group. You can listen to it on their myspace page. It will start playing once the page is opened. There are 3 other songs there as well. This is the worship leader that I worshipped with at our other church I mentioned. The members of this group are there as well. Please pray for me. I don't know what God has in store in this area of my life, but I long to be involved in this again. I long for my church, which I love, to experience this and have a place where people can use musical talents to glorify God "at church."

1 comment:

Tamara said...

PLEASE LET ME SAY A BIG FAT AMEN TO THAT! I am so in agreement. I am really ready for some serious worship. Don't get me wrong, I love to listen to us right now...I love it. But I too and deeply moved by worship music! Thanks for sharing this!!!! I miss you...I feel like I am discombobulated...I have come to the conclusion I cannot cannot cannot teach this all...I need a class for myself.