Friday, January 12, 2007


Yesterday was one of those days where I had several things happen to me that confirmed I am doing some things right. I can't really even remember every one of them, but I can remember several times throughout the day thinking, "God, thank you for that. Thank you for hearing my prayer. You are so faithful!" It was like every question I had for him the day before was not necessarily answered, but he was saying, "I know you have questions. But won't you trust me to answer them in my timing? Here are a couple of treasures to get you through for today." It was awesome. For all four of you out there praying for me, thank you. I can feel it. If you think anything in this blog could bless someone else, please share it with them. I don't think I have all of the answers by any stretch of the imagination, but I want to share what is going on with me because at one time someone shared with me what was going on with them and it really helped me. (Wow, that was a long sentence!) I believe that God has me doing this so that I can help someone else with my experiences. I think that is one of the things we as believers are supposed to do.

Anyway, have a great day and look for God. You WILL find Him!

1 comment:

Tamara said...

Sending smiles and love and hugs! :) Oh, don't forget the prayers too. I'm sleepy and wish I could nap instead of wake the babies and go pick up Tyler...ha!