Thursday, March 08, 2007

Crazy times...

The last couple of days have been kind of crazy. Still trying to work out the TV situation. It is proving to be a lot more difficult than I thought it would be. I guess I didn't realize how dependent on the TV we had become for our entertainment. I knew we watched a lot, but the thing that has surprised me most is how much my kids were watching. I guess I just didn't pay attention. It has definitely been an adjustment. We haven't stopped watching it all together, but the kids are only allowed one show a day. Stephen and I try not to have the TV on if the kids are awake. I am supposed to be off my feet, so I have watched more than I'd hoped, but I am resuming my usual activities today, so hopefully I won't watch as much.

The baby has been EXTREMELY active the last couple of days. So much so that I found myself praying last night that God would make the baby be still for a little while so I could fall asleep. During the day I don't mind as much, but you would have thought I'd had about 12 cokes or something. Anyway, I try not to mind considering I am carrying a life inside of me. It is pretty amazing. I am starting to have the usual problems so I am having to start taking it easy. That is so hard for me. There is a routine that I try to keep myself in during the week, and when that gets off, it is hard for me to adjust. My routine is pretty flexible, but still allows me to keep things done. But I am so thankful that I have a husband who is so helpful. He just jumps in and does what needs to be done. I am so thankful for him and don't tell him enough how wonderful he is. So honey, I love you. I couldn't make it through this without you! 10 more weeks to go!

I hope everyone has a great day!

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